Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend Progress

Don't you hate when blogger isn't user friendly? I cannot get the shot of my weekend progress on Do Not Worry to turn the correct direction. It is not a huge amount but small progress is better than no progress I think. Hope you all had a bit more luck with stitching time than me. Saturday Josh had a meet 90 minutes away. Driving time alone stole 3 hours of stitching time. I did work a few stitching while we were waiting on his race but very small progress. Hopefully this week I will find some stitching time in the evening. Today was spent helping my mom with some stuff. I do think this will be a fast stitch. It was really lovely stitched o/o when I saw it at The Silver Needle but a nice older eye friendly 28 ct is looking nice too. 

Thanks for visiting,

Monday, September 3, 2012


I am so excited! I have just completed a really big project. Ironing and framing to follow with larger photos but there she is! I have worked on this piece since 2001 off and on, clearly mostly off, but it is finally completed. I cannot wait to wash and get this one to the framer. I want to see it one the wall. 

Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and was able to stitch a bit. 

Thanks for stopping by,