Tuesday, May 1, 2012

And the winner is....

Maybe we should start with desserts first. A friend loaned me a cupcake cookbook which had some great recipes and the bride to be loved the idea so I make about 90 different cupcakes(I had much lower attendance expectations than most of you) Strawberry, white chocolate and mocha latte were the 3 types she picked. The strawberry had the "c" initial for her new last name. The white chocolate had white chocolate shaves with silver sprinkles. The mocha latte had chocolate frosting with a second marscopone frosting and chocolate covered espresso beans with salted caramel drizzle. They were all great tasting and moist cupcakes. I had an antique cut glass punch bowl from my step-dads family that we had a delightful pink raspberry punch that looked great with the other colors.

This is the table before the food landed. I was able to uses the cut glass glasses that match the punch bowl as vases for roses from my neighbors yard. As many as you see there were still tons left in the yard. They have about 50 rose bushes in their yard.We had my great aunts silver punch bowl for a second punch serving. I think it helped cut out the congestion around the serving tables to split it up.  

The entry table and sign in had hydrangea (also from neighbors yard. They have an amazing garden. I was able to use them in the living room in a couple more vases as well. 

The menu included a cheese selection of Smoked Gouda, Cream Havarti and Sharp Cheddar. Fresh fruits ( melons, strawberries, kiwi, grapes, pineapple and  blueberries) Homemade chicken salad and a spinach dip. Not really a traditional tea as I revolted against making those little sandwiches that get stale and pet-ti-fours but it was nice and the bride to be was thrilled. ( if she had insisted I would have of course made them for her but she was happy with the offerings) The grand total of attendance was 54 so I believe that makes  Terri who guessed 61 the winner. Please send me your snail mail for your stitching prize!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Sounds like your gathering was a success! How nice that you were able to have some fresh flowers!
    Congrats to Terri!

  2. What a pretty table setting! It sounds like it was a wonderful day! :) Congratulations Terri!

  3. OH MY! I just saw this! My email is bronzemom AT gmail DOT com THANK YOU!

  4. So glad my guess of 116 didn't win. Hope you are enjoying your time away.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  5. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time. The menu sounded yummy! Congrats to Terri.
