Friday, March 8, 2013

Another great exchange!

Isn't this a fantastic warm winter exchange. I received the snowman ornament, lovely piece of linen, 3 snowbelles charts, snowflake fabric, snowflake buttons, craft glue and some cute pokadot notecards. I loved it all!
The picture above is what I mailed to Melanie. The stitched piece was from a recent JCS issue and it is a Home Spun elegance chart. I stitched it in blue for myself. 
There has not been a huge amount of stitching time this week. I took a few days off to help my mom paint at the new lake house. We sold the smaller cabin and bought a larger place with more room for family and friends. It had been sorely neglected and needs a good bit of TLC. Hopefully we can finish up the remodel before summer so we can all enjoy our summer on the water. I was only able to stitch one night this week. The funky flowers piece is moving along and should be a nice addition to our bedroom at the lake. I knew I wanted to put it there from the first moment I looked at it. 

This morning when I woke up I could write my name on several surfaces in the house.Time to break down and clean. I will be good and get on it in the morning before I start stitching. Or at least that is my intention... Hope you all have a great weekend and manage to make a few X's.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Wonderful exchanges!! Looking forward to seeing pictures of the lake house!!

  2. Lovely gifts both sent and received. Your flower garden is coming along nicely, such happy little flowers.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  3. Lovely exchanges both sent and received. Great progress on your flower garden.

  4. Lovely stitching exchanges and WIP, Pam! Congrats on the new lake house too; sure wish we had one of those, especially in lower AL, LOL!

    Good luck with that house cleaning thing...
