Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Retreat Review

They days before Teresa arrive for our retreat I prayed for my Azaleas to be in bloom. I know it may seem silly but I wanted her to be able to enjoy the bright pink flowers while she was visiting from her bedroom window. We had the typical spring weather of 80 one day and 45 the next so I was a bit worried they had been damaged by the sudden weather changes. As you can see they bloomed in full glory. This is one section, there are just as many on either side of the center section. 

We began our journey in town with a visit to a tea shop and a bit of no stash shopping. The next morning we set out for day one of what could have been a 6 hour road trip.We went to 3 shops the first day. One was new to me, the other I had not seen in at least 10 years and the third I go to from time to time. We shared the wealth and bought a little at each place! I was able to pick up several charts I had wanted for a while and some yummy fabrics as well. We stopped at a tea shop for lunch before the third place and had a nice rest there. After the 3rd shop we drove a few hours to Memphis and spent the night. Just about an hour outside of Memphis we found a great quilt shop. I really could have spent some cash in that shop. The best quilt shop I have been to so far a wonderful selection and the nicest owner.  There was a shop  in Memphis we hit on the way out of town the next morning. It was a great place and nicest ladies running it. I could have shopped there for the day but we felt shops around Little Rock calling our name. After a bit more time one the road we navigated around Little Rock and found a great antique mall. Teresa was able to get some vintage clothes pieces for her daughter and I was on the look out for a creel basket and old fishing gear to decorate the lake house. Off we went to another stitch shop that had the nerve to be closed an hour before their scheduled time. What were they thinking? Oh well, I was able to spend more in a shop where they wanted it! We arrived at the Red Apple Inn. It was just perfect! nice but not stuffy and comfortable tables and chairs for a weekend of stitching. 

Gloria and Donna were our table mates! They made lovely progress on their pieces and were good company to stitch along beside.
This is Pat Dugan the host shop owner and Tracey Schultz who does some really amazing bead designs at the Make it/Take it table that they had set up. It is a great idea for beadwork and you can give yourself a break from stitching to work on some lovely pieces. 
 Additional shopping in the center of the room to paw over when your back or eyes needed a break.
Or you could enjoy the views from the lovely patio. 
These nice ladies were table mates on the other side. We had such a nice group of stitchers present. They were very welcoming and great stash enablers! I'll have to post the stash another time. This post is so very long winded and picture laden. 

Thanks for stopping by,

Friday, April 19, 2013


My heart is breaking this week. The people of Boston,Ma and the people of Waco, Tx have seen too much pain this week. So may people who have been effected by hardship in our great country. And yet we can have hope in a merciful, gracious, faithful and loving God. He allows hardship to draw a nation that is turning its back on Him to give us a chance at repentance. That is the message that resounds in my heart as I see the really big picture of His plan for all mankind.It is not a popular thought pattern and not one that will leave you warm and fuzzy but I believe it is truth. 

Matthew 24:1-8
Jesus came out of the temple and was going away when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him. And He said to them, "Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately saying "Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age.?"And Jesus answered them and said to them, "See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name saying, I am the Christ and mislead many. You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place but that is not the end yet. For nation will rise up against nation, an kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But in all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains.

This section of scripture has been in my mind all week. We cannot and will not coexist,not in our country, and not in our world. There will always be conflict until Christ return. The children of Sarah(Isaac) will always be in conflict with the children of Hagar(Ishmael).All the conflict in the Middle East can be traced to their lines. Every event points to the return of Jesus the Messiah.I pray for the people of Israel to see that Christ satisfied every sign of prophecy, every piece of the temple is seen in Him, every feast a reflection of Him, it all points to Him. Just as God made a way for the Jewish people through sacrifices in the temple He made a way for the Gentile people with the blood of  Christ, the perfect Lamb, is all the sacrifice required and enough for all mankind that we might have relationship with Him. Not religion as man so commonly confuses God to bring but fellowship and relationship with a loving God. 

I cannot make sense of the events we are facing without the reference point of the word of God and the balance of what it teaches about the character and nature of the Holy Lamb of God. How do so many people survive without Him? Once again I am back to heartbreak and I am certain His heart is breaking for a mankind that will not turn to Him.

If you made it this far, thanks for spending time with me,