Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Goodies Galore

First up is the Winter Wonderland Exchange , above is what I sent to Vicky L and below is what I received from Cheryl.Peppermint Twist is the ornament, silks, over dyes, great chart and more.
As always it was a great exchange, if you are wondering about them I would highly recommend this group. Lainey and Colleen host a wonderful exchange and you feel safe sending and receiving.

The other day was a rough one for me. I got sick and had to stay home a few days, my step-daughter who was doing so well decided it was too much to live with boundaries and went back to a place that can be dangerous for her. (keep her in your prayers-Tiffany) and then I had a family member come for a few days in the middle of all of that.I could not go shopping still because I was sick and have literally no gifts under the tree. I had just about had it when I opened the front door to find a wonderful surprise. Teresa sent me a wonderful Christmas gift with some very thoughtful gifts. A devotional book, soup mix(YUM!), Sees chocolates ( more YUM), a personalized tin of tea with strainer, and a frogger, bead counter and fob that you cannot see well in the picture(sorry) but they are breathtaking.  
Then yesterday was my first day back at work after 4 days off unplanned. It was a bit rough on an old girl to say the least. I found a lovely card from Belinda which also contained a wonderful snowflake ornament. Blogger is not letting me turn it. So delicate and pretty.
So just when you think life is not being too kind, in comes the stitching world so save the day and make life much more enjoyable. It has been a most blessed 2011 because of blogland and all the friends I have made here. You keep me motivated to stitch and encourage me in so many ways.Thanks to Nataly for getting me blogging. (take a picture of the menorah with candles glowing please) That is a beautiful menorah.

Happy Holidays,


  1. sorry to about the youngster ... will keep her in my thoughts that she stays safe .... love your goodies that you got .. isn't it nice when that happens ... hope you are feeling much better and have to agree it is a beautiful menorah that Nataly has :) love mouse xxxx

  2. It can be hard growing up, hopefully Tiffany will come home soon. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Love your exchanges. Glad the package cheered you up.
    Tiffany is always in my prayers.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  4. Great exchange goodies!! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!

  5. The snowflake is beautiful and the other gifts are also very thoughtful. Hang in there. It is terrible to be sick when there is so much to do.

    I hope you and your family has a wonderful holiday season. Merry Christmas!

  6. I will pray for Tiffany, and I am glad you are a better. Beautiful snowflake, the mailman always bring happy treats along with the bills of course, haha. Have a Merry Christmas
