Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hallmark Channel Movies

Is any one else finding themselves addicted to these silly Hallmark Channel Christmas movies? It is almost like a strange event. You know you are getting drawn into them, they are beyond predictable and yet you watch and stitch to the warm fuzzy feeling they leave you with every time. Save me from myself. I actually recorded one I was in the middle of the other day when I had to leave to pick up the kids. Can anyone explain this strange phenomena? 

Enough of that, It is wrestling season which means 14 hour Saturdays and sometimes Friday nights late are filled with sweaty boys in a gym and bug eyed, exhausted parents who would rather be at home. One of his teachers described watching the boy wrestle as watching a box of puppies one time and it is still the best description I have heard.What I like best about it is that I can stitch without worrying about the chores at home.True silver lining don't you all agree? I was able to do 5 bands of the above sampler this past weekend, leaving just 4 and the completion of the border. 

Hope everyone slows down and enjoys the holiday season,


  1. well there has to be a silver lining somewhere in there ..lol ... great progress so must be worth it ..lol :) love mouse xxxxx

  2. I have to admit to the Christmas Hallmark movie addiction too. I seldom watch Hallmark the rest of the year, and I don't actually plan to watch those movies when I sit down in front of the TV, but somehow I've managed to watch several of them recently. Oh well, could have worse problems :-). Enjoy your stitching during the wrestling matches.

  3. Count me in on the sappy Christmas Movies. Only why limit myself to just Hallmark. Oh no, I have to record them on Lifetime and Ion too! I have my faves I have to watch every year. It's a sickness.

  4. Great progress...at least you get a chance to get lots of stitching done while watching your son! Love those sappy Christmas Movies!

  5. I think they emit something from the tv that just hooks you, same with True Movies - you suddenly find yourself mesmerised ...

  6. Ummmm....yep.....I get stuck on those movies too!

  7. I love those Hallmark movies. I could stitch and watch them all day.
    Your piece is coming along nicely.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
