Thursday, March 10, 2011


not much of a confession that I love suprises, we all do. I went on a mini-missions trip with the youth in our church last week and when I go home I had the most wonderful suprise from Teresa at it was a lovely beaded clover pin and yummie homemade suckers which are I believe white chocolate. I took my stitching along but the trip but we were way to busy to work on it which made me very sad. Guess that is selfish enough for a confession. Of course it wasn't a stitching trip but I always try to make a few crosses on the road, no go with a van full of teens.Still plan to work on Dogwood Stitchery this month. Maybe saturday will allow some much needed needle and thread time. Cannot think of anything juicy to confess today, just wanted to say thanks to Teresa.



  1. Enjoy the goodies, it is my pleasure. I knew you would need something welcoming you home from your trip!
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  2. What a nice welcome home for you! Sorry you did not get to stitch on the road. I too like to take my stitching with me when I travel just in case I get a chance to stitch. You never know when you will get some down time!
