Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do not Worry

I started this piece Saturday and  was able to work on it a bit Sunday as well. Most of my weekend went to the ever dreaded cleaning. I did a pretty good run at the dust monsters and clutter piles that seem to regenerate faster than any normal person can possible beat them back. Hopefully a bit more stitching ahead tonight. There are so many things to steal our focus in life. Work, family, busy activities abound. I love this piece because it is taken from one of my favorite passages.
 Matthew 6: 25 through 34 is always good to refocus a distracted life to God's lessons:
1. God takes care of the birds of the air. How much more valuable are you than them. He will take care of you too.
2. What good is worry? Does is solve any problem? God takes care of you needs better than you can imagine. Look at how he clothed the lilies. Will he not take better care of you?
3. God knows all your needs. Why seek and strive for them? Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. 
4.Do not worry about tomorrow, Each day has enough trouble of its own. 
Can you tell I have had a troubled day, full of striving, worry about material things and worry about other things? Always good to reground yourself with God's lessons. Focus on Him and His ways. 

Thanks for stopping for a visit,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Glory House

I was able to work on the box assembly for Glory House last night. It was a retreat project from the Silver Needle retreat earlier this year. A bit awkward to assemble but it is in the done pile now! Looking forward to working on another piece tonight. I really need to finish up by BAP. I am so close to completion even with all the recently found need to frog out a section. I am down to the small section where so sign your name and date and a few flowers around the vine that encircles the name and date. Maybe I should just keep working on assembling pieces I have the stitching completed on since I seem to be hot with them right now....

We have had so much rain this summer it hardly seems like time for the dog days of summer but August is rounding down and September is breathing down its neck so the thick heavy humid air will surely be on its way.

Have a great day and stitch a bit.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Finally a stitching weekend!

First up is the quilt I have been working on. I got 3 rows all sewed up and have 4 more to add. I took a picture of the pattern after paying with it for a while on my bed to help me recall because it may be a while before I can work on it again. My pinwheels are clearly a beginners effort but they will improve with time hopefully. 
Next up is two small pillows. I had stitched the lady with the umbrella for an exchange a while back. I loved it so I stitched it again for myself earlier this year in Tulsa. Just got the beads on and finished the assembly this weekend. The other pillow is a freebie chart "my heart is fed by needle and tread" by X-stitch appeal. I turned it into a little roll pillow for my basket. It was raining all weekend, sorry for the photo quality but I was just so excited to stitch again! I really calms your troubles soul. 

I was also able to almost finish assembly of the Glory house box we made at camp in Tulsa. My husband gave me the crazy eye as I brought it to bed to sew while he was finishing the Extreme Makeover weight loss show last night on ABC. If you missed it go to ABC and check out Jarvez Hall. Very motivating person. I got the side walls done and the front attached before my eyes gave up. I hope to finish it tonight after work. 

Hope you all got some stitching time in this weekend. 

Thanks for visiting,