Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pumpkins, Sand-pails and Blog Meetings

What is in the pumpkin? Inside was hidden the exchange from me to an unknown stitcher. This was a dirty santa style exchange at the pals retreat last week  but so much more than a basic dirty santa. It went on for hours -really- I could hardly hold my head up at the end of the night to open the piece I finally ended up with after 7 or 8 trips around the exchange table. Everyone turned a bag in with a hidden package inside. This was placed on a table by a couple of judges and non participants. You were given a raffle ticket and the drawing for picking order was started. No opening of exchanges until everyone had a package. Mystery packages could be taken as many times by anyone with as their turn came up.
This is what was hidden inside. I found a pumpkin with a hole in the bottom and stuffed it with the goodies above. Fat quarters, fall pearl cottons, scissors, fall colored linen and some candy. 
And this is the fun sand bucket I got in the exchange. Ocean colors of threads, candles with a beach theme, scissors, sandcastle fabric and a cute crochet octopus. a sparkle cup and some candle from Iowa where the sand bucket originated. The strangest thing was that of the 100'ish exchange packages. Lorna and I got each others exchange. How funny is that? 
 It was such fun to meet fellow bloggers. Above is Teresa and Faye. And we also meet Karen
It was such a blast to stitch with these southern belles. We laughed so hard I was worried the tears would run down my legs.... They are a fun as they seem in their blogs and it was just a blast. There was also a fun group of stitchers who were said to be in the stitcher protection program. They were from the same group but had to travel under guise of different events so know one knew they were there. I can't tell you what a fun group they were. Hopefully they will not get in too much trouble if I share their pic. 
Sadly I did not get a pic of all the other fun ladies meet at the retreat. Anne was kind enough to sit beside me and enjoy all of my off the wall thoughts through the weekend. She was new to the group as well and misbehaved in the newbie corner. Evidence of Anne is the jacket on stitching supplies on the chair next to mine. I think Teresa actually got a pic of her for her blog so hop over and meet Anne who is working on a blog. Fun title is already created I believe....

I did manage to finish one small piece and start some silk gauze which I will show picture of in my next post. Along with the many ways I was spoiled by my sweet roommate for the week. 

Thanks for stopping by


  1. yeahhhhh it looks like that you had a fab time and gorgeous goodies ... and I still say why wasn't i there hahahah ... one day you never know love mouse xxxxxx

  2. We have a white elephant gift exchange with the ladies at my church at Christmas. We always have so much fun and laugh until we cry....

  3. was so great to meet y'all! Love your goodies too.

  4. Can't believe how we counted down the days for the retreat and now it is all over. Such a fun time.
