Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bad to Good

Every seem to be having one of those days? You know the one where you should have stayed in the safety of your home, possibly the safety of your bed and had a gown day. I had one of those days Monday. It was not pretty. I spend most of my day in my office with the door shut and fighting back tears. Then I came home and found the most wonderful stitching pick me up. It as from April who loves fall and Halloween. I had been planning to stitch her a little something Halloween but due to the departure of stitching mojo in May I had not gotten my act together enough to do so.After feeling even more guilty for not getting it done, I opened my prize of squirrel pin cushion, floss tags and pumpkin card. Stitchers make the sweetest friends. Really.
And now back to our regularly scheduled blog post.... STASH! There were several vendors at the retreat. I got 3 charts from Hands on Design. Cathy was fun to meet and had some get models to enjoy.
Beth Anne with Summer House stitche workes was so very nice and I enjoyed her historic/primitive pieces. 
The ladies from Praiseworthy Stiches were also there. 3 more charts to collect! I will not insult any of you fine readers by implying they will ever be stitched by me.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. What a sweet gift to rtecieve. I am glad it was able to cheer you up. I have had days like that they are not fun.

    Love the stash you bought. I also bought a "few" charts while at the retreat, ended up finishing one while I there. Now I just need to sew it into the pincushion.

    Wishing you a happy thursday

  2. So good to have finally met you! Sharing laughs and giggles are what I remember the most~ and, I do believe I brought home some ofvtgevsame stash as you~~~~ :)

  3. So sorry you had "one of those days" on Monday. I'm glad that a little happiness entered into it in the end : )

  4. Aww, how sweet He sent you a pick-me-up just when you needed it.

  5. Yes, those days are not fun! Isn't it amazing how those special stitcher surprises seem to show up when we need them most!?! Hugs...

  6. It was so nice to meet you, and happy to find your blog, too! Um hu, got some of those charts for my stash, too. We have to keep thinking, maybe one day??

    Days like this deserve sweet treats from stitching buddies!
