Tuesday, May 31, 2011

back to blogging

We have been a bit overtaken by the move. Joshua was getting on my last nerve so I decided to crate him! Not really of course. He was bored with the hole process and still tries to fit into small spaces. He is 5'11" and wanted to fit into the large dog crate. He made it. Just to be sure he was not abused note the cell phone is in his right hand so he is free to text. Everything is in place except the stitching room. Hopefully that will be finished this week. I have worked a bit on the trees from the VS gingerbread tree etui but not a lot of time for that. Mostly unpacking and sorting out what to send to thrift stores and what to keep. I should have taken care of this before the move but I always worry I will pitch something I need in the new place. Better to make that decision after the move is my moto. Well must run to catch up on blogs and enter all the fantastic giveaways.



  1. hehehe nice one ..lol and enjoy the sorting ;) love mouse xxxx

  2. Too funny!!! Maybe he can help you out with the sorting to make it go faster and then he won't be bored! Yeah I know, he's a teen and that is not likely to happen! lol Hope you finish sorting soon so you can get back to stitching!

  3. Your son is such a character. What a hoot! and yay for your progress on the gingerbread tree etui. :-) Hugs, Karen
