Thursday, August 4, 2011

mail treat

Yesterday was action packed. A little family drama, work,interview for step-daughter who is now living with us again, school registration for new district,and youth service at church. The mail man brought just the right thing to provide a little stress relief. A little mini-pamper package I won from April Mechelle. wonderful smelling soap, frig magnets in a shabby chic design, travel hand sanitizer, a journal, nail files and a lovely hand made whale necklace. The card she sent said Celebrate each day. Perfect reminder for yesterdays busy pace. The package had a beach feel to it. Perfect for the 115 heat index yesterday. I could at least think about cooling off in the water even if I had no hope of reaching the shore. We also got a free diner last night for the 40 minute delay in service. Got to buy school clothes for my son this weekend so I'll take free any place I can find it right now! It was a great meal just a little slow.



  1. oooo lovely :)and you can hop over to mine .. plenty of free space and lots of drool factor in my stash room heheheh :) love mouse xxx

  2. I say go pamper yourself. Looks like a lot of fun new stuff.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  3. Isn't it wonderful how those special packages arrive just in time!

  4. Glad that package came at such a needed time!

  5. I love when the goodies seem to arrive just when we need a pick-me-up!

  6. What a nice surprise. :) It's always awesome how things come in when they need to.

    Have a great weekend!
    God bless and keep you,
