Sunday, March 11, 2012

Stash Alert!

Yesterday I rewarded myself for getting through a full work week after working rather diligently on moving my mom's stuff for four days the week before plus working that week. It was too many days in a row without rest for this old girl. Not to mention too many days without stitching. So off I went on the just over an hour drive to the not-so LNS in my life. I was able to pick up all the threads for WTNT bunny and co and peter and peep. I want to take them to camp in a few weeks.(Are we there yet?)
I also picked up a wonderful pair of Bohin scissors from the shop. The have all the right colors to match the acorn fob sent to me by Teresa a few weeks back in my stitching pocket. I am not sure if the photo shows them off properly but the are lovely.The have the same copper, brass and silver tones as the fob.The perfect fall scissors I say!   
Picked up a few more charts and stitched the day away. What more could a stitcher as for? I was able to complete the little exchange piece I have been working on and also got a few more stitches in on the HIH  Swirly Spring piece I have wanted to do forever. It is small and you would think I would finish it off but I have been so tired this week not much stitching at night after work. We are headed to the lake after church. I couple more weekends settling everything in and we should be able to enjoy the place for the summer. The shop owner said yesterday all you have done this year is move. We bought a new house in May and moved. My mom, got the lake place in Dec and now we are selling her place and moving her between our house and the lake house. Lots of moving indeed. More stitch/stash therapy may be in order to recover from it all! :)

Happy Sunday and thanks for stopping by,


  1. A lake house sounds so romantic and dreamy.

    Bohin scissors are fantastic to use and are a lovely addition to your work basket.

  2. Love the new stash! Isn't it always fun to see the threads and their colors all together!?!
    How fun to have a lake house. You deserve some relaxing time there after all this moving of things!

  3. New stash is always good for what 'ails you! Hope you have a good stitchy week!

  4. More stash always does it for me!!! I'm working on both those With Thy Needle and Thread pieces, as well. They are just too cute! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  5. ohhhh new stash always does it for me especially ones that I've been drooling at since it came out love mouse xxxx

  6. I love all that you got!! Time to rest and stitch friend!!!
