Sunday, September 18, 2011

to bead or not to bead

This is my set to take to the stitching retreat in just 23 days for me! So my question is to bead or not to bead? I went to LNS and she talked me into treasures and beads. I have the treasures on but not the beads. I cannot decide about the beads. They are not really true to HIH to me but they would look nice in the cording. vote please

I also worked on a exchange piece this weekend. I will not torture you all with the saga of running over dyed threads. Thanks to several ice baths the bleeding ended and I was able to finish the piece. I never have had much of a problem with this in the past but all the sudden it seems to have reared its ugly head. Maybe it is all over now and I have to deal with it no more.

Josh didn't have a meet this weekend so Saturday was a lazy day. No more of those until Nov. 12 or something crazy  like that.At least I know my real purpose.... Stitching Retreat in 23 days. Focus, focus, focus. 

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Glad the saga of the thread bleeding is over.

  2. i vote bead :D....i am not crazy myself about beading, but when i 'make' myself do it, i just love the results!!! If only they would make a magnifyer with more magnifying!!! sigh....hehe

  3. I vote to bead. I love a big bead on a cord as it gives weight to a scissor keeper especially.
    New Zealand
