Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holiday Slush

Yesterday was a very wet and cold day. A fire was more than in order in our home. I spent the morning running my son's car for repair and it was in just plain old bitter wet Alabama slushie snow. I do not have lovely photos of snow covered yards. I didn't even bother to take a photo of the mush coming down. It was wet and cold to the bone. My cousin lives in Alaska and she always says it is colder here than there in the winter. DS gave us a gift of an accordion style garage door and matching scared roof top on his car as he showed signs of his impatient father and distracted mother both and backed into the garage door before it was fully opened on Christmas Eve. At least school is out and we can get it repaired before he has to go back so no more driving in circles running him around for me, silver lining number one. The second silver lining was that after the deposit was made at the auto repair shop I was able to stay hold up with the fire and STITCH! It has been a slow week or two for stitching so I welcomed the rest with me and DS watching a Castle marathon. I know the show has been on a while but I just discovered it and one can never have enough murder mystery shows on the DVR. DS really didn't watch much but he did come down for periodic feedings and would chat a bit. We have a balance between interaction and solitude when we are home alone that is wonderful. Such a good gift from God my son has been. He is talking craziness of not living at home for college. I am just not ready for that much less of him.The empty nest is still more than a year away and I can develop a bit of a panic about it with minimal effort.  
It is really hard to see them on the spun silver linen but there are 3 so far with 4 to come soon. That is actually an entire skein of white floss. It may take 2 before the fat snow-woman sings.I'm sure it will show better once I fill in some color on them but right now it a fair amount of bland. 

We were able to travel to visit my step-daughter for Christmas. It was a quick trip but we were able to visit several family members and made it home Christmas Eve in time for DS to crash the garage door...Christmas Day we stayed at home and enjoyed each other. We watched The Christmas Story first up with coffee in bed and then migrated to the living room for a very lazy day. We snacked most of the day and topped off dinner with a non-traditional hamburger.All in all a relaxing family time. We have always traveled on Christmas Day and never feel very rested but this year was nice. 

Hope you have had a blessed holiday time,

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Christmas

I got a couple of goodies in the mail this week. I got a package from Teresa it was a very chocolate themed package. Tons of see's candies. Each one more yummy than the last. Also some chex mix which there is no photo of because I ate all of it. And some travel snips for plane trips. I have been needing some and failed to purchase them for myself. Some winter white earl grey for my tea cup.There was also a lovely angel that did not quite survive the shipping. I think she will be mend able but I need a minute to work some magic. The cookies were de-lish as well. Notice the past tense again. Truly I was doing well until all the treats arrived. After a month in the gym I am down 6% on my body fat. We will see how next month looks. It should be easier to focus with the Holidays behind me. 
April sent a cute ornament and some finishing prettiest as well as more chocolate and a snowman chart that I desperately needed. I am about snowmen the way most people are about santa's. they live in my house more than just at Christmas too. Last year my husband made me take the one down in April. What was he thinking? The ornament says Alabama Christmas and has the cutest jingle bells. It went straight to my ornament tree! 
Finally, it has been a slow week for stitching. Not much time free for my current project but I hope to have some time tomorrow and Monday to fill in the second snow-woman. I have her bottom section about half completed and can hopefully get at least the top finished and on to the third. I am saving all the little birdies for last and all that fabulous backstitching.

Have a blessed Christmas,

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thinking Snow

This is small amount of progress on the snowman. I took the photo last night so it is a bit on the dark side. The one I took this morning is a bit on the dark side as well. You can see he is starting too look like a snowman. I have some birds and the nose to fill in and then it is on to page 2 of this one. I am not in love with the way the pattern is placed as a chart but it is older and I am sure more limiting software and such back then. 

I have thread pulled and fabric for Dorothy Walpole and hope to start by the first of the year. I am a bit afraid if I stop on the snowman piece it will get lost in the UFO abyss. I will forge onward and hopefully can complete it by the end of the year. April pointed out to me that last week it was in the upper 70's and I was trying to cool off by stitching snowmen. This week it is cooler. Hopefully it will stay cool for a few days. Just never know about the weather in Alabama. 

Hope you all have a blessed day,

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Small Progress

I know it doesn't look like much but this is about 10 hours of progress on the snowman piece. Only 3 colors have been introduced so far, white and 2 blues. This is about 2/3 of the way through the first page but there is a lot of thread changes ahead before I can move to page 2.Over dyed thread have made me a lazy stitcher and all those thread changing for definition seem like so much work but this piece really needs them and I don't see any fudging with the over dyes or the miles of back-stitching.  

The Stitched Tree ended up in my entrance way this year. I am finally not embarrassed about how bare it is with the addition of the assembled ornaments from years past.It also has a few hand painted gourds and some glass snowmen from my mom's collections of ornaments. 

I am feeling better but coughing up some amazing stuff, spoken like a true medical professional. I hear this will be the lasting part of this little infection. Everyone says it is really difficult to get rid of the cough. Just a little something to look forward too. Thankful I did not get my husbands flu. He was the only one in the house that got that and we were all glad to let him be an overachiever and contract it first and hopefully alone. 

Hope you are managing a little time with the needle and thread. 

Thanks for stopping by,

Saturday, December 1, 2012

SL Stash arrived

Last night when I finally made it home after an all day class and a trip by the fabric store I walked in to a wonderful surprise. My charts from SL had arrived. I have joined Nicola and Jo's Scarlet Letter SAL. Hop on over and join the insanity. They are having some amazing drawings through out the year. I will just be wonderful to have a bit of motivation to stitch one of these at last.  I am still leaning towards starting Dorothy Walpole but it would more than likely be the only one I have any hope of completing. 
Back to that trip to the fabric store. A while back April was kind enough to introduce me to Sullivan's cotton floss. I started the snowman piece this week with the white she sent me. I wanted to see if I they held up to her no-tangle clam. I had purchased some DMC for the Fred's and have been rather tired of the knotting and shredding that has followed. You see I gave up DMC several years back when I fell in love with silk. But the woes of this economy force me back to the dreaded DMC. I found the Sullivan's to be all April said they were and headed straight to Hancock's Fabrics to acquire the needed floss for the snowman piece. While it is a bit of a pain to get to the store I decided to get what I needed for the Fred's as well. I'll finish out the color I'm on with the DMC but the rest shall be Sullivan's. At any rate I needed 103 of them. The poor lady at the register might just be a bit more OCD than me. She actually had to sort them by color before she would ring them up.... 103 of them. I felt so normal after leaving there....  
Aren't they lovely? So April, see what you have started? As if I don't have enough stash organization issues. I now have an additional thread line to deal with! :) Does that look like $39 to all of you? Still a bargain to me compared to silks.

My husband had the flu this week and I managed to get a cold rather than the flu. I have just felt a bit sluggish but we must all stitch on. 

thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Finally Finished Finishes!

It has been a scary productive weekend. I was able to get the house all decorated for Christmas, Pansy Pots for the front porch are planed with a new rosemary tree on either side of the front door. Summer was a bit harsh on the ones I purchased last year. I think the week we left in July was just a bit much for them because they were a bit crispy and never recovered. Cooked many meals, and finally finished the 8 ornaments hiding in stitching piles from previous years. I believe there are 4 from 2003 and the rest were from week 51 last year. I had just really gotten my Christmas stitching fever when everyone was saying "Happy New Year" so into a need to be finished basket they went.

Did I mention I worked on a bit of stash organization as well? I rotate between happy to pet my pretties..., I'll never in my lifetime get this all stitched..., I've been looking for that... and how do I get so far behind? every time I do this, but it is done for a few more months and I can stop feeling stressed about not being able to find what I am searching for in my stitching nest. At least for the first few projects I start it will all be in order again. My every so helpful mom accused me of playing with it all. She was sure it would go much faster if I didn't stop and admire each and every item I was trying to organize. I am sure you will all agree you have to meditate on each bit and bob a while to ensure you are organizing it properly. After all, this time the organization will take and all stay in it's place rather than go into a wild mixture of chaos. That is what we tell ourselves? Or am I the only one?

Hope you had a wonderful weekend,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Yesterday Catherine posted her new bed fellow Panzer. I had to laugh. This is what either me or m husband wake to as soon as their is a free spot in our bed. DH went hunting this morning and so I got him today. Yes he actually tucks himself under the covers! Very bad weimaraner-Moses his his given name but we just call him big dawg most days.

Lots of cooking to do today. Better stop blogging.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Monday, November 12, 2012

Fallscape and exchange

 So excited I can finally share my little fallscape on my entrance table. The amazing Autumn pillow is from the 2012 stitched with love   fall exchange, lovely cornucopia box is from Angela's fall exchange last year, amazing flat is from Melanie's Prairie Schooler exchange last year. The mill hill squirrel box and acorns are from Teresa at last year's fall retreat, and the cute owl was a wonderful surprise from April. The needle roll I designed years ago for a fall retreat. It is so fun to me that all of this came from blogging friends all over and a small piece of you is here with me this fall.
Isn't this a great surprise? This was what I received from Renee. She really out did herself on this one. The stitched Autumn pillow with pom-pom fringe is just too cute, cookie cutters that I plan to use for some Thanksgiving pie crust, Be thankful coasters a JCS fall issue, owl towel, ribbons and floss, and a great fall primitive chart. Thank you again Renee. 
This is what I sent  Shirlee. I sprinkled some artificial fall leaves I found in the box for fun. Sullivan threads to try and the acorn needle book in the JCS fall issue. 

Well I have stopped work on the Fred's to make a few Christmas smalls. Hope to be able to work on them quickly so I don't loose momentum on the Fred's. Try not to get overwhelmed with Thanksgiving and remember to enjoy your time with family and friends. 

thanks for visiting,

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Boarder time

I have been doing a good bit of mindless stitching on the Fred's boarder. I am joining them together on one fabric so I tried to figure away to unite them as one piece. The long rectangle is my solution. I will fill it in with the bands of color that are under the birds in the individual graphs. I did the space 9 squares wide to match the width of the diamonds. Hopefully this will tie them together. I just could not get a picture of the 2 diamond bands on the outer boarder meeting well. Last night I was able to stitch the diamond frames and tonight I hope to but the black strip inner boarder. This will allow me to start stitching something besides boarder when I get tired of it. Surprisingly I have been happy to work on it. It allows me to stitch the pattern without worrying about the chart so I can just zoom though without really thinking about it.  It is also moving much faster than I thought it would.

Really should be thinking about some holiday stitching right now. Maybe a few ornaments and such for my Charlie Brown Christmas Tree from last year. I had a 4 day weekend last week and I am afraid I was not as productive as I should have been with stitches. I choose to pet my fibers, fabrics and charts instead. This can be a bit detrimental as one can become overwhelmed with the mass of it all! :)

Hope you all have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Fun Day Trip

This past Friday, April and I were finally able to meet up and ride a short 70 minutes away to a most wonderful LNS. The Cross stitch Peddler in Decatur. I say short 70 minutes because time and miles fly when you are running your mouth and laughing the entire trip. Being a pair of very bad bloggers, neither April or myself had enough brain power to snap a photo. We had one mission, petting as many fibers, fabrics and charts as possible while we were in the shop. I think we were pretty successful. I picked up a few Thanksgiving charts sure to be stitched in time for this years festivities- NOT! Some silk gaze kits because I have only 2 waiting. Plus and old DT -The Good Neighbor, it was only $6- who could resist? 
This photo does not to the fabrics justice. Maureen has the best selection at her shop. The is a coffee type with flecks of brown bits, golden piece, vintage antiques white, lavender-pink-grey piecce, painted earth piece and a piece that looks like robins eggs. bought as much as I could afford but not all I wanted of course. 

I was going to snap a photo of the Java-Jay's Cashew Chicken Salad sandwich but I was starving by the time we got there and I just inhaled it. Maybe next trip....It truly is my favorite chicken salad sandwich. It has dried cranberry and just enough mayo. They serve it on whole grain bread with  a pickle spear, kettle chips and a brownie bite just in case anyone is reading hungry. 

April graciously allowed me to show her my children, otherwise known as completed projects. She wandered through the house and was very kind as I showed her the pieces. 

We reality will close in from my 4 days off work bright and early in the morning. It was a nice break in the normal pace to be able to spend a day at the stitch shop and play with the haul through the weekend. If only my fingers worked as fast as my eyes see them finished.

Thanks for spending a few minutes with me,

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A finish and a start

First thing Saturday morning I was able to work on the berries and call this little piece finished. I still can't get over how it looked o/o when I saw it at the Silver Needle but I don't know if I ever would have finished it if I had stitched it o/o. 
The start is on the Fred's (Fredrick and Fredricka) and the never ending boarder. I had some yellow already in place but you could not see it on the fabric until I added the black. I believe I am going to stack them on top of each other rather than doing two separate pieces. I was able to work on the black some more last night. Hopefully a little each night will go a long way.

I received a wonderful Fall exchange. Not able to show photos yet but I just loved it all. thanks to my secret stitching partner.  

Prayers go up today for those dealing with hurricane Sandy and her aftermath. Hope all in bloggland are safe and let us hear from you as soon as you can.

Thanks for visiting,

Friday, October 26, 2012

Back from Framers!

First up is the Linen and Lace finished earlier this year. This piece was in my to stitch pile for so long. It finished up as lovely as I always thought it would.I went with a fancy frame but it has a red under the silver that really pulls on the reds in the piece. 
Next is the I Sign Not that was in progress for way too many years. I picked a rustic/antique frame for it of course. I will go behind my stitching chair in the living room. Excited to get this one on the wall at last. 

Plans for tomorrow include stitching, stitching and more stitching. How much fun does that sound like? Hope you all find some time this weekend for needle and thread.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

a little vacation time

This was the view from the Blue Parrot on St George Island FL. Weekend before last a few friends road our motorcycles down to Panama City Beach for Thunder on the Beach Fall Rally. We took one of the days to ride over to ST George and Apalachicola for some great time on the Forgotten Coast. I just love this slow placed area of FL. It is the beach as I recall it without all the high rise condos and a much less crowded coastline. We were blessed with a condo in PCB for free so we stayed the nights there but my heart is always in SGI. 
 This is sunset from our condo. Amazing views from the 21st floor. It is down the beach a bit and not in the middle of all the biker business and was quite peaceful as well. All in all a fantastic trip with friends. 
I was also able to work on DNW piece while on the coast. I am down to the bird and a little vines and berries. Hopefully I can finish it up this week. I also mailed of and exchange piece that I can't show for a while but will as soon as I am able. It turned out really cute. Can't wait to show and tell it!

Thanks for stopping by,

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Do your stitching friends ever make you fill just so Blessed? Today when I got home there was a wonderful package from April . She lives less than an hour away but we are still working on a stitching gathering, Life is too busy. Isn't this a wonderful fall surprise? She sent me some Sullivan's threads I have been wanting to try but not able to get down the dreaded 280 to the store that carries them. Also some finishing extras perfect for a fall finish. And who could not love the cute owl? I suspect the card was made by her as well. April's package was within a week of the one year older mark so technically Birthday or Fall. Actually I believe it was sent to pick me up after recovering from moving my mom this past weekend. 35 years in one house plus she is a touch of a hoarder. 4 seems to be her magic number. 4 brooms, mops, yard sticks, dish sets, and multiples of  4 for things like bath gels(36), pots for plants (32), quilt sets(16). Y'all are getting the picture of how much fun that was. Thanks April for the moving recovery/fall/birthday gift.
Next up is the amazing birthday package from my retreat companion Teresa. She knows of my love of acorns and squirrels and had me on a theme overload. Three wooden acorns. The green acorn is the back is packed with cookies!!! A acorn spatula for my love of baking. Prayer books and some lovely mother of pearl cross charms(another love of mine is MOP) Some Lady Earl Gray tea to go with that box of cookies, a squirrel mill hill pin and 3 charts. How could that not be a happy birthday? 
Last up is my stitching progress on Do Not Worry. I am getting to practice this as I stitch it with a fair amount of uncertainty about my job. God as always allowed me to be in a better place when He makes a job change so I will trust Him that that will occur again. I saw a quote on FB the other day that I really liked. It wasn't new to me but it was a good reminder of who is really running the show. God Shuts Doors No Man Can Open and Opens Doors No Man Can Close. I will leave you all with that to chew on for a while.

Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend Progress

Don't you hate when blogger isn't user friendly? I cannot get the shot of my weekend progress on Do Not Worry to turn the correct direction. It is not a huge amount but small progress is better than no progress I think. Hope you all had a bit more luck with stitching time than me. Saturday Josh had a meet 90 minutes away. Driving time alone stole 3 hours of stitching time. I did work a few stitching while we were waiting on his race but very small progress. Hopefully this week I will find some stitching time in the evening. Today was spent helping my mom with some stuff. I do think this will be a fast stitch. It was really lovely stitched o/o when I saw it at The Silver Needle but a nice older eye friendly 28 ct is looking nice too. 

Thanks for visiting,

Monday, September 3, 2012


I am so excited! I have just completed a really big project. Ironing and framing to follow with larger photos but there she is! I have worked on this piece since 2001 off and on, clearly mostly off, but it is finally completed. I cannot wait to wash and get this one to the framer. I want to see it one the wall. 

Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend and was able to stitch a bit. 

Thanks for stopping by,

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do not Worry

I started this piece Saturday and  was able to work on it a bit Sunday as well. Most of my weekend went to the ever dreaded cleaning. I did a pretty good run at the dust monsters and clutter piles that seem to regenerate faster than any normal person can possible beat them back. Hopefully a bit more stitching ahead tonight. There are so many things to steal our focus in life. Work, family, busy activities abound. I love this piece because it is taken from one of my favorite passages.
 Matthew 6: 25 through 34 is always good to refocus a distracted life to God's lessons:
1. God takes care of the birds of the air. How much more valuable are you than them. He will take care of you too.
2. What good is worry? Does is solve any problem? God takes care of you needs better than you can imagine. Look at how he clothed the lilies. Will he not take better care of you?
3. God knows all your needs. Why seek and strive for them? Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. 
4.Do not worry about tomorrow, Each day has enough trouble of its own. 
Can you tell I have had a troubled day, full of striving, worry about material things and worry about other things? Always good to reground yourself with God's lessons. Focus on Him and His ways. 

Thanks for stopping for a visit,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Glory House

I was able to work on the box assembly for Glory House last night. It was a retreat project from the Silver Needle retreat earlier this year. A bit awkward to assemble but it is in the done pile now! Looking forward to working on another piece tonight. I really need to finish up by BAP. I am so close to completion even with all the recently found need to frog out a section. I am down to the small section where so sign your name and date and a few flowers around the vine that encircles the name and date. Maybe I should just keep working on assembling pieces I have the stitching completed on since I seem to be hot with them right now....

We have had so much rain this summer it hardly seems like time for the dog days of summer but August is rounding down and September is breathing down its neck so the thick heavy humid air will surely be on its way.

Have a great day and stitch a bit.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Finally a stitching weekend!

First up is the quilt I have been working on. I got 3 rows all sewed up and have 4 more to add. I took a picture of the pattern after paying with it for a while on my bed to help me recall because it may be a while before I can work on it again. My pinwheels are clearly a beginners effort but they will improve with time hopefully. 
Next up is two small pillows. I had stitched the lady with the umbrella for an exchange a while back. I loved it so I stitched it again for myself earlier this year in Tulsa. Just got the beads on and finished the assembly this weekend. The other pillow is a freebie chart "my heart is fed by needle and tread" by X-stitch appeal. I turned it into a little roll pillow for my basket. It was raining all weekend, sorry for the photo quality but I was just so excited to stitch again! I really calms your troubles soul. 

I was also able to almost finish assembly of the Glory house box we made at camp in Tulsa. My husband gave me the crazy eye as I brought it to bed to sew while he was finishing the Extreme Makeover weight loss show last night on ABC. If you missed it go to ABC and check out Jarvez Hall. Very motivating person. I got the side walls done and the front attached before my eyes gave up. I hope to finish it tonight after work. 

Hope you all got some stitching time in this weekend. 

Thanks for visiting,

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Geometrically Challenged

This is a sad story of a woman who really wants to quilt but who is so very, very geometrically challenged(GC) that it may never move forward. Can you guess this is a pinwheel from the GC quilter? This is my test pinwheel from scraps to try to make sure I am ending up with the correct size for the quilt I am currently working on. I need to make 8 of them for this pattern. As long as it took me to do this last weekend it could take weeks to make 8. 
So what is a girl to do but add more Stash! Don't you love these fabrics? I bought a few to play with at a quilt shop DH and I found when we were visiting his family in North Carolina last week. 
And these! I got a great deal on them. I have some wording panels that I plan to work into them. But for now I am stuck on pinwheels.
 DS wanted Beignet's for his dessert for his 16th birthday. He ate 2 plates of these and was still wanting more. We spent the day Tuesday getting his Driver's License. It is like a new wave of fear and suffering every few minutes as I realize he is on the roads alone now. 

I was able to do a bit of stitching on my BAP but I realized that I am off on part of it and need to rip it out an stitch it again. You can clearly see it now that the last piece of the inner boarder is in. I did not weather to cry or scream when I realized it. I tried to adjust it but there was just not adjusting this error without a seam ripper. YUCK! I have been working on this piece off and on for  10 years. So ready to be finished with it all and send it to the framer. 

The heat and humidity here is something you have to feel to believe. Needed a bath after unloading the groceries the other day. I was talking to a neighbor in the cul-de-sac after I was finished with the car. In 15 minutes outside every bit of my clothes were soaked through. Just standing talking. Just gotta love Alabama in July and August! 

Thanks for stopping by,

Friday, July 13, 2012

Pie Time

I guess it has been pie season at our house. I have been baking several types. The above is a traditional apple made with fresh granny smiths. It was for Father's Day. My uncle who is 70 rode his motorcycle from Texas to Alabama and stayed with my mom for a few weeks at the lake. Apple is one of his favorites and mine. 
Next up was Lemon Meringue.  Made it the following weekend for a family gathering. It last about 10 minutes once it is cut. It is an old family recipe. My great Aunt says it came from her grandmother, trying to figure out how far back that is makes my head hurt a bit. It has a lemon curd style filling and just melts in your mouth.
Then for the 4th of July I made a favorite from my childhood. Banana Split Pie. Should have throw a few blue berries on top for the red white and blue but I love it without them. it is light and cool for the hot southern July days.
 Finally, I was able to get the cording on my camp fob last Sunday while we were driving o the lake. Attached it to my shinny new pair of Dovo's from Camp as well. Sadly the camp trip is the last time I have really been able to stitch with any consistence. I started Fredrick and Fredricka over the 4th while we were at the lake. I plan to have them live there when they are complete so it seemed like the right place to start stitching them. I have only gotten about half way around the boarder  in one color so there really isn't much to show there yet. 677 really doesn't pop on the fabric until it has company. Guess that is all for my update. A lot more pie time than stitching time for me. Hope you are all getting more stitching time in than me.

Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday's Progress

I am happy to report I have been able to cut and sew this fine weekend. Thank You to the rain! I made it possible for me to stay home after church and sew for several hours. I got my 9 patches finished and started the 4 patches. Unfortunately I have made a cutting error and will need to re-cut the fabric on those. I miss calculated by 1/2 inch but I can use the fabric in another part of the quilt. I am thinking I will but a scalloped keyboard edge on it and that will use up my miss-cuts. So two versions of 9 patches and a miss calculated 4 patch but at least I was doing a bit of quilting. It was nice to work on something I enjoyed rather than something I "needed" to do. So thank you Lord for a bit of rain. I'll take it.
 This is version 2. Uses up all the fabric evenly which makes me a happy camper. I know it is sad but I like the fabric to get used. Most of the fabrics used are from he In the Beginning line called Happy. With a few odds and ends from other groups. 
I really like this combo even if it is a bit off. There is great wording on the green patch (dream, hope, imagination, create, laugh, shine, play, inspire) fun positive words to encourage. 

Not much time for quilting this week more than likely but I hope to stitch a few hours in the evenings. We will see....

Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me,

Friday, June 8, 2012

Quilt Number 3

This has been the view of my dinning room table for the last week. I have this fun little quilt all laid out and ready to cut but I have been a bit busy with work, standard home stuff and a bit extra one night. The neighbors house across the street burned down. It was very sad to watch but they are dealing with it very well and hopefully the rebuild will begin soon. We have waived at them from across the street for a year and I was very embarrassed that it took their house catching fire and them standing in our yard for 6 hours watching to get to know them. They seem to be very nice people and it made me aware I have been a poor neighbor to not introduce myself. When we moved in a year ago all of the families came to greet us except them and I just assumed they were anti-social. I was so wrong, proving once again you should never assume. I will do better when they rebuild. 

Sunday night before the whirlwind of this past week I was able to cut out 18 of the solid green swirling block for the quilt. It is a fun basic Moda print ( top corner by rotor cutter). Can you see the pinwheels, 4 square and, 9 patch blocks I have paired up? I just cannot wait to start and hopefully tomorrow will offer some time to play with the fabric and start sewing. Still not decided about the final size on this one, lap throw or bed quilt but it will be cheerful to build! I love working with bright fabrics.

I am hoping to work on some stitching at the lake this weekend as well. We finally got the added bathroom completed and now can settle the sleeping quarters upstairs and get everything in its place. The mini-remodel has taken way to long in my impatient world but I feel certain character was built. Not really sure whose but built none the less...

Hope everyone finds a little stitching/quilting time this weekend.


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Long Time no Blog

This is a lovely waterfall inside Olympic Nation Park. I was able to travel to Washington state earlier this month for work and got to arrange for a free day to view the Park. The weather was fantastic there while we visited and it was a relaxing visit. What amazes me the most about the west coast of the US is that you can be standing and looking a the ocean and the snow covered mountains at the same time. We were able to see the stacks at the beach in the park.
We also were able to stand on Hurricane Ridge where the snow in the roads was still about 10 ft tall on the sides after the plow ran through it. Here I am standing at the top of Hurricane Ridge, Olympic Mountain in the back ground. 
 I got a bit of stitching finished on the airplane ride but the plane was packed and I gave up after a while. I was able to complete the camp piece from April. ( how long ago that seems now) I am saving the photo until I get the Glory House assembly completed. Hopefully this weekend will offer time for that. I was able to pick up another piece last night that is very nearly completed. Stitched a few hours on it until my eyes gave out for bedtime. No stitching or quilting photos in this post but hopefully soon. My mom is living at the lake for the summer. Still a bit more remodeling there before we can consider that a place to relax. We are having a half bath but in upstairs and it just seems to be taking forever. This is what happens when you can only get the work done of the weekends. I am so ready to have all the transitional stuff finished so I can get back to my stitching and quilting life. The dining room table is loaded down with the Batiks I plan to use for a quilt for my bed. I am ready to cut but need a block of time to get started. 

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Holiday state side and took a minute to remember those who fought for the freedom we enjoy. The older I get the more humbled I am by those selfless people gave so much for our Country. 

Happy stitching and thanks for stopping by,