Monday, October 3, 2011


So how handsome is my son? Here he is all ready to go to the Homecoming dance this past weekend. It was his first real dance. After 2 weeks of planning and arranging he told me if he had know it was going to be this much work he would have just skipped it. I'm not sure if the colors show true but little hot pink roses to match her hot pink sash on her dress. His other complaint was that he cannot smile on demand. I told him to think of something funny about me or his dad right when we were taking the picture. Clearly he did not follow the advice. He has one of those plastic smiles going. He is still handsome (at least to mom).

This is a freebie from uhmmm 1999 I believe. (I make such a fine pattern hoarder) It is Home Spun Elegance and they did a sesonal set of freebies way back when. It was designed for 10 count something or other which I promptly switched to 32 ct something else. Lucky the pumpkin star button still looks cute no matter what thread count you stitch it on. I put a little green bead in the cats eye. I hope you can see it. It shows well in person.

Well this time next week I'll be packed up and ready to fly to the retreat. I may try to get another piece done before then if I can put on my superstitcher clothes on an get busy.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. DS and date couldn't be cuter! And he's only just beginning to learn that dating's hard work, lol. Your pumpkin worked out great on that fabric. Enjoy!

  2. Aweee! Cute couple! Hope they had a fun time!

  3. Yes he is a very handsome young man.
    Love the pumpkin.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
